Meet the CHCI Student Council
February 28, 2022

The Center for Human-Computer Interaction has established its inaugural Student Council in Spring of 2022. This student driven organization aims to have a positive impact on the CHCI student community through advocacy, events, and programs.
The council operates with the following vision and mission statements:
The CHCI student council aims to provide an inclusive and creative space for students to find common ground, network, and collaborate both academically and artistically. The student council will promote a strong community amongst students involved in the CHCI through showcasing human-computer interaction design work and research with a focus on providing unique social opportunities.
We are inspired by our university’s motto Ut Prosim (That I May Serve) to help build a stronger student-based community in the CHCI and to promote student engagement in the ongoing interdisciplinary efforts by the HCI community at Virginia Tech.
The CHCI student council is organizing the 2022 Student Symposium which showcases research by students in the Center, to be held Friday April 29th. Additional events like “Hack-and-Snack” meetups to be announced.

Disha Sardana is in her fifth year pursuing an individualized interdisciplinary Ph.D. She is advised by faculty from various departments: Dr. Ivica Ico Bukvic from the School of Performing Arts (SOPA), Dr. Gregory Earle from the Electrical and Computer (ECE) Engineering Department, and Dr. Denis Gracanin from the Computer Science (CS) Department. Her research focuses on human-centric approaches to analyzing data in immersive environments through data sonification and 3D data visualization. When describing her vision for the CHCI student council, Disha says “I envision the student council to promote student engagement in the ongoing interdisciplinary efforts by the HCI community at Virginia Tech. I hope the student council provides a safe and creative space for students to connect, hang out, engage in conversations, share their ideas and experiences, lows and highs, exchange their knowledge, collaborate, and make connections for a lifetime.”

Shiva is a first year student in the Human-Centered Design Program at ICAT. Her research interests include accessibility, inclusive design and AR/VR. When describing her involvement with the CHCI student council she says, “I like to get involved in voluntary activities and be active among student societies on campus. I believe since I got isolated for a while, I am not motivated and I would like to bring people together, strengthen our community and make a difference while I will learn and promote my personal growth and self esteem. These are the reasons why I would like to be a part of the CHCI community.”

Kylie Davidson is a third-year Ph.D. Student in Computer Science. She is working on Virtual/Augmented Reality Technologies for Sensemaking Tasks. Kylie decided to serve on the student council to help build a stronger student-based community in the CHCI. She envisions the council to act as a liaison between the faculty members and student members as well as helping to coordinate events that the center puts on.

Skye Taylor is an undergraduate in Industrial and Systems Engineering, graduating in the spring of 2022. Her research interests include in-vehicle agents, user interfaces, and autonomous vehicles. Skye decided to join the CHCI student council after presenting her research in the 2021 student symposium and meeting faculty and students with similar passions as herself. She hopes to serve as a liaison between undergraduate students in human factors and the HCI community at Virginia Tech.

Don Park is a third year Industrial Design major with a minor in Packaging Systems and Design. As a designer, his dream is to become a toy designer for companies such as Bandai or Hasbro. Don decided to join this council because he enjoys Human-Computer Interaction. In describing his interest Don says, “I have always been intrigued, as a designer, on how technology interacts with a person. Especially with the design of certain objects, I learned that those could affect human interaction as well. As a member of the CHCI student council, I hope that this council will be able to showcase the beauty and designs of human-computer technology!”

Charlie Duff is an ICAT Graduate Assistant and second year masters student in the Industrial and Systems Engineering department. His research interests include immersive reality user interface design, industrial augmented reality, and spatial audio displays. When describing his involvement with the CHCI student council he says, “I chose to serve on the student council because I am drawn to the CHCI and the diverse individuals that are a part of the Center. I wanted to serve an organization of students that come from different backgrounds but share similar interests and passions. I envision that the CHCI student council will be a place for students to find common ground, network, and promote an overall more positive social impact on the students involved in the CHCI community.”