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Research Discussion Groups

Critical Computing Reading Group

Start Date: Wednesday, January 29, 2025
Time: Wednesdays 3:15 PM – 4:30 PM
Location: 1100 Torgersen Hall
Sponsor: CHCI

The Critical Computing Reading Group is an interdisciplinary group where we critically engage with computing research that seeks to have a societal impact. Students and faculty will lead each session with a topic of their choice -- focusing on either a specific type of technology or community.

Group Leaders: Ihudiya Finda Williams, Ashley Shew, Shaddi Hasan, Fernanda Ribeiro Rosa, and Sang Won Lee

DISIS Audio Research Seminar

Day/Time: Tuesdays (2-3 pm)
Location: Newman Library, Room 121
Host: Ico Bukvic

Did you know that sound and music play a critical role in many design and research fields? Would you like to participate in an informal research community to explore these exciting opportunities and learn more?

Every Tuesday from 2 pm to 315pm, Ico Bukvic will lead a voluntary/informal DISIS Audio Research Seminar. The seminar will take place in Newman 121, a.k.a. DISIS (directions). 

As some of you may already be aware, Creative Technologies in Music (CTLA) has two tracks. One is composition- and performance-centric, and the other is research-centric. While we have had past students engaged in audio research, and whose projects have led to some particularly notable successes, this area has not seen as much representation within the program as the composition- and performance-centric track. 

With the newfound studio schedule within the Music program, we now have every Tuesday 2-315 pm open for an informal research seminar designed to address this gap, thus allowing students to learn more about this area and both students and faculty to engage in the research and professional opportunities it may offer for both. The seminar is imagined to also serve as an opportunity to engage guest researchers to share their work with students.

With this in mind, Prof. Bukvic invites all interested CTLA and DISIS students and any other students who may not be a part of these two communities and who share this same interest, as well as interested faculty, to consider joining the voluntary seminar in DISIS. 

Time permitting, please consider bringing information (articles, weblinks, YouTube videos, etc.) on relevant projects (your own or those made by others that you would like to share with the group) to the seminar to share and discuss.

Please feel free to share this announcement with other students and faculty who may be also interested in participating.

VT-affiliated students and faculty can see updated, detailed information about the research groups here.