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Summer Internship Experience of CHCI Student Members


Center for Human-Computer Interaction

Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) pervades every aspect of life in the 21st century. From augmented reality to social media to autonomous vehicles to crowdsourcing, the study of HCI impacts all of us. The Center for HCI at Virginia Tech is a world leader in HCI research, both designing interactive experiences and studying human interaction with and through technology.

CHCI’s transdisciplinary community performs cutting-edge HCI research and educates the next generation of HCI scholars. We offer a variety of programs including funding, shared resources, and opportunities for intellectual exchange.


CHCI research addresses all aspects of the interplay between people and interactive technologies. We host several research discussion groups in different transdisciplinary areas, in which all students and faculty are welcome to participate whenever they can, including

  • Day/Time: Tuesdays (2-3 pm)
  • Location: Newman Library, Room 121
  • Host: Ico Bukvic


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