CHCI members collaborate on a new book, “HCI Outdoors: Theory, Design, Methods and Applications.”

Scott McCrickard is the lead editor of the recently released Springer book “HCI Outdoors: Theory, Design, Methods and Applications.” The book represents current research and leading visions in the use of interactive computing outdoors. CHCI faculty members Nicholas Polys, Michael Horning, Rafael Patrick, Peter Sforza, John Munsell contributed to the book as well as graduate students Lindah Kotut, Abigail Bartolome, and Tim Stelter. Michael Jones (BYU) and Tim Stelter are co-editors of the book.
The book's findings frame new ways of thinking about HCI outdoors,explore logistical issues associated with moving computing outdoors, and probe new experiences created by involving computing in outdoor pursuits. The book also highlights the ways that social media has influenced preparation, experience, and reflection related to outdoor experiences. Scott McCrickard credits the Tech on the Trail workshop organized and hosted in Spring 2017 by the Center for Human-Computer Interaction, and especially the CHCI Social Informatics Research Group, with co-sponsorship from the Computer Science Department, and the Institute for Creativity, Arts and Technology (ICAT), as being instrumental to the Tech on the Trail initiative leading to the book's conception and publication. Two of the invited guests to the Tech on the trail workshop,Alan Dix and Norm Su,authored book chapters. More information is available on the Tech on the Trails website.