CHCI Welcomes New Members: Eugenia Rho and Yalong Yang
September 13, 2021

Eugenia Rho is an Assistant Professor of Computer Science and the Director of SAIL (Society + AI & Language)lab at Virginia Tech. Her research is based on computational social science with a focus on natural language processing application. She describes her work, “My research intersects computational social science and human-computer interaction with a focus on understanding and improving how people talk to each other online. I use experimental design and natural language processing to examine linguistic behavior at-scale and how online design shapes the way we consume and discuss information with applications to news, social communities, and institutional contexts.”
Yalong Yang is an Assistant Professor in Computer Science. His research concerns many different aspects of Visualization (VIS), VR/AR, and Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), especially the emerging research topic — Immersive Analytics which focuses on applying engaging, embodied display and interaction techniques (e.g. VR/AR) for data visualization and visual analytics. He says,“I am super excited about collaborating with researchers in CHCI on various research topics with a focus on building interactive user interfaces and investigating human factors in VR/AR.”