CHCI Welcomes New Member Paul Quigley

Paul Quigley is Director of the Virginia Center for Civil War Studies and the James I. Robertson, Jr. Associate Professor of Civil War History in the History Department at Virginia Tech. A native of Manchester, England, he holds degrees from Lancaster University and the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Quigley is the author of Shifting Grounds: Nationalism and the American South, 1848-65, editor of The Civil War and the Transformation of American Citizenship, and co-editor of Reconciliation after Civil Wars: Global Perspectives. He serves on the board of the Society of Civil War Historians, the editorial board of the journal Civil War History, the board of the Smithfield-Preston Foundation, and the historical advisory board of the American Civil War Museum in Richmond. His digital projects include "Mapping the Fourth of July: Exploring Independence Day in the Civil War Era" (in collaboration with CHCI's Kurt Luther) and augmented reality explorations of both Civil War history and Virginia Tech history (with CHCI's Doug Bowman, Todd Ogle, David Hicks, and Thomas Tucker)