CHCI Welcomes New Member: Brianna Posadas
September 20, 2021

Brianna Posadas is a postdoctoral scholar in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences. She is the recipient of the Computing Innovations Fellowship, a program with support from the National Science Foundation. Her research is focused on the intersection of agriculture, technology, and user-centered design. Dr. Posadas describes her reasons for joining CHCI in this way: "The agricultural domain is an underserved research area for human-computer interaction (HCI); it is difficult to build relevant technologies, or even understand if technological interventions are necessary, without an understanding of the full context of how agricultural work is conducted. I’m interested in bringing together my training in agricultural engineering and human-centered computing to better understand the ways that farmers, farmworkers, and other stakeholders interact with the new technologies that are becoming necessary in their fields. My work focuses on developing human-technology interfaces using user-centered design practices for the agricultural domain.”