CHCI Student Research Symposium 2023
May 1, 2023
The CHCI Student Council hosted the 3rd annual Student Research Symposium on Friday, April 21, 2023. The goal of the symposium was to celebrate the creativity and scholarship of CHCI students and provide feedback from fellow CHCI members in an inclusive and supportive environment. The event was immediately preceded by an end-of-year Center-wide meeting providing updates and highlights from the year and hearing news from faculty and student participants.

At the Student Research Symposium, 20 teams comprising 41 students presented their research in poster format. The event was very engaging and interactive. There were a total of around 90 attendees that included graduates and undergraduate students and faculty from 11 different departments.
Show Stoppers
Pepper (the big white robot), Milo (the robot that has a human face), and Aibo (the robot puppy) from Mind and Music Lab made a splash at the event. Pepper can be programmed to have different gestures and speech; Milo can provide different facial expressions; and Aibo can do many tricks. All three robots are used in one of the robot theater programs to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) education to children.

Celebrating Student Research

The CHCI Student Council celebrated all students who presented research at the symposium. As a token of acknowledgement, each participant received a customized CHCI Student Research Symposium Sticker designed by council member Sara Saghafi Moghaddam. A Hack-n-Yak sticker designed by council member Muskan Gupta was also distributed among students and faculty.

Awards were conferred for best poster, demo, and video through tallies of attendees' votes on their favorite research projects.
Four projects won awards. Each awardee received a custom designed mug.
Mia Saade and Hayoun Moon won first place for “Sonifying Solar System for Socially Interactive Mixed Reality Experience.”
Shane Bennett and Priya Nair won second place for “VR Solar System Explorer.”
Andy Lu, Jianguyue Li, and Daniel Manesh won third place for “Octave.”
Daniel Enriquez and Andrew Stewart won fourth place for “Large Scale Object Manipulation in XR.”

Many thanks to student council President Kylie Davidson, and members Levern Currie, Daniel Enriquez, Katharina Reis Farina, Shafiqul, Daniel Manesh, Leo Pavanatto, Sara Saghafi Moghaddam, Tony Lee, Muskan Gupta, Merna Khamis, Tianzhi He and Anirudh More for their incredible effort in making this event a grand success! Special thanks to Justin Kerobo, Minhyuk Ko and Shreya Mitra for their help.

Below is the complete list of student teams and their project topics that they presented.