CHCI Members Lead Multiple Activities at ACM

Members of the Center for HCI at VT led multiple programs and activities at both the ACM Designing Interactive Systems 2019 Conference (DIS) and the ACM Creativity and Cognition 2019 conference (C&C) which were co-located in San Diego, CA (June 23 - 28). Steve Harrison, general co-Chair of DIS, working with Steven Dow (UCSD), general co-Chair of C&C, developed the idea of jointly meeting in order to reinforce the synergies between the two HCI communities.
The theme of DIS was “Contesting Borders and Intersections” which focused on issues relating to the design and deployment of interactive systems. Both borders and intersections are simultaneously about separation, margins, and friction, as well as opportunities, promises, and imaginaries where alternative and diverse modes of engagements can emerge and unfold. Deborah Tatar, DIS Technical Program Co-chair, was responsible for assembling the largest program in DIS history — four simultaneous tracks over three days.
CHCI was well represented at DIS and C&C with papers, workshops, posters and demos. Center alumni were also present: Stacy Branham (UC Irvine), who was co-Chair for Diversity and Accessibility for both C&C and DIS, and among the C&C organizers; other alumni included Anamary Leal (Sonoma State University) and Michael Stewart (James Madison University). CHCI graduate student, Aakash Gautam, co-Chaired the Student Volunteers whose conscientious efforts were key to making the conference a great success. Aakash is shown in the photo presenting his DIS poster.
CHCI’s Kurt Luther served as Papers Co-chair for the ACM Creativity and Cognition conference. They assembled a program committee of 29 members -- including CHCI member Sang Won Lee -- who managed the review of 101 paper submissions and accepted 30. Kurt also chaired the Best Paper subcommittee (photo shows Kurt conferring Best Paper award).
Sang Lee also served as C&C session chair and lead author and presenter of the C&C paper, "The Effect of Social Interaction on Facilitating Audience Participation in a Live Music Performance," (see VT press release on the CHCI website under News).
One of the main joint events of the conferences was the C&C/DIS art exhibition titled "Ecologies of Transformation" with its creative performances showcasing how design and art can drive research. Sang Won Lee performed his piece called “Crowd in C”.
CHCI was an official silver-level sponsor of DIS/C&C.