Farrokh Jazizadeh presents “Human-Building Interaction in Smart and Connected Buildings” at ICAT Playdate (2/19/21)

Farrokh Jazizadeh will be presenting “Human-Building Interaction for Smart Building Operations'' at the ICAT Playdate on Friday (2/19/21). Farrokh is an assistant professor at the Via Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering and founding director of the INFORM Lab. Building systems are designed to support occupants' activities. Occupants spend the majority of their time indoors and buildings are the major consumer of energy to support human activities. Conventional building systems’ operations are based on predefined configurations rather than human-centered adaptation. In this presentation, we discuss human-building interaction modalities that enable intelligent buildings' adaptation.In addition to Dr. Jazizadeh, graduate student Tianzhi He and former graduate student Wooyoung Jung are part of the team. ICAT playdates are live streamed here.