Congratulations Chris Brown and Sang Won Lee: Google Research Award
January 30, 2023
Congratulations to Chris Brown and Sang Won Lee on their Google Research Award for a project entitled "Supporting Under-Resourced Software Engineering Job Seekers through Facilitating Online Collaboration in Technical Interview Preparation." Chris also just received Commonwealth Cyber Initiative (CCI) funding for a project entitled "Understanding the Impact of Data Privacy Regulations on Software and Its Stakeholders."

Abstract for Google Research Award project
To obtain a software engineering (SE) position, job-seeking programmers must complete a technical interview that involves solving a coding challenge while communicating their thought process to potential employers. While this process is widely used in industry, research shows tech interviews are stressful endeavors and incorporate bias, leading to interview underperformance and exclusion of underrepresented candidates. Thus, the proposed work aims to support under-resourced job seekers by facilitating social interactivity in technical interview preparation. To evaluate this approach, we will explore current preparation methods and design a tool that enables online collaboration among job seekers for technical interview practice, aiming to mitigate bias and bring about more inclusive SE hiring processes.
The Google Award for Inclusion Research recognizes and supports academic research in computing and technology that addresses the needs of historically marginalized groups globally.
Launched in 2020, the Award for Inclusion Research (AIR) Program is an ongoing effort to support innovative research and professors working to create positive societal impact.

CS/CHCI Alumnus (2022) Aakash Gautam (now CS faculty at San Francisco State University) also received a Google Research Award for Inclusion Research in support of his dissertation research in Nepal.