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CHCI Workshops

The CHCI Big Ideas Workshop

9th Annual Workshop on the Future of HCI

Since 2016, CHCI has been holding an annual workshop on the broad theme of "The Future of HCI." The workshops are organized by members of CHCI based on timely topics of interest. The purpose of the workshop is to provide an opportunity for CHCI members and students, as well as the VT community and interested parties from around the region, to explore cutting-edge research intensively over two days of talks, demonstrations, socializing, and group discussion. We invite two to four outside experts to give keynote talks on the selected topic, offer a few shorter talks by CHCI faculty, and moderate break-out discussion groups for further engagement among attendees. Workshops include demonstrations of research and projects related to the selected theme. Some workshops have also been co-sponsored by partner organizations, including the Center for Humanities, the Department of Computer Science, and the Discovery Analytics Center.

For more information about this year’s and prior Workshops, please see: